Sunday, October 2, 2011

Settling into the routine of chaos

It's Fall. Finally! For some of us, it means the return to academia. Let the chaos begin!

I recently read a blog that really spoke about ways to handle being pulled this way and that. She presented ways that she kept herself grounded. I enjoyed it, and so I thought I would create one of my own. I am not all-knowing, by any means. I just thing that we all must take time to realize our own limitations and our own needs. If we neglect ourselves, we will inevitably neglect those around us.

Develop a routine.... (if that's possible!) Sit down and look at the big picture. What are your needs and your "have to's", what are your "like to's", and what are your "don't need to's". Prioritize and develop a routine that balances your needs and wants. You do not have to give up everything just to fit in time for school, work, family, etc. You just need to be creative. Do what works best for you. Maybe you treat yourself to a movie after class some days. Or perhaps you have a "date night" with your significant other or your entire family. Those times will be sacred and much appreciated by all. Maybe you just want time alone, with no one around. That's fine to. Spend it however you want, just make time.

Nothing ever stays the same forever. Remember that on those days when it seems like you will never be finished with school. It will end, eventually! It may take you longer than you would like to, due to family obligations, finances, work schedules, etc. Like I said before, sit down and plan it out. See what you would like to do...and if reality will accommodate you. If you take 2 classes instead of 3 in a semester, it'll be OK. So it may push your graduation back some...but it's not a race. You need to make the most of the investment in yourself and your future. Finishing in 2 years versus 3 is not going to make you a better, or more satisfied nurse. Be patient with yourself. (This coming from someone who graduated with a bachelor's degree 7 years after high school.) But I know some who didn't earn theirs until much later...the point is they were persistent.

Learn as much as you can, ask a lot of questions, and share with others. That is how it works. We all have pieces of the puzzle. We must continue to collect the pieces and form them together as best we can, until the picture makes sense to us. It starts out looking like a big mess...chaos....but after a little work organizing the pieces....fitting them together....and stepping back every now and again....the picture becomes clearer and we can start to see how the "chaos" can bring order to our lives once again.


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